The NEW LMAX Exchange mobile App suite
LMAX 近期推出最新版本支援 iphone、Android 以及兩款 App
LMAX Professional trading app
連 iphone App 都支援技術線圖了
- Timescale intervals from 1 min
- Long tap enable/disable detail tooltip
- Initiate trade directly from chart
Watchlist close
- Real-time prices
Economic calendar close
- Item description on click
- Three date filters
- Custom filters
- Group by date in tablet version
- Auto-refreshes
Trade features close
- Trade on limit
- 1-click trading, close and cancel
- Partial close position
- Take profit and stop-loss contingent orders
- 5 levels of market depth
Real time status information close
- Open positions
- Working orders
- Trading history
- Activity notification
Heatmap (Android only) close
- Initiate trade directly from heatmap
- Full market depth for all instruments
- Simple switching between instruments
- Simple switching between trading venues
- Real-time VWAP spread for selected quantity
Economic news close
- Headline news as well as
feature analytics
Market data close
Charts close
- Timescale intervals from 1 min
- Long tap enable/disable detail tooltip
Economic calendar close
- Item description on click
- Three date filters
- Custom filters
- Group by date in tablet version
- Auto-refreshes
2014 LMAX 最新中文簡介
中文服務 【獨家】【最低入金】1000 USD
【LMAX 線上支援】
LMAX Trader使用說明-新2013 中文繁
LMAX 中文服務人員 Support Service中文服務 |