目前分類:AMP Futures美國期貨券商 (52)
- Jan 02 Tue 2024 19:38
【美股期貨投資】美股券商 AMP Futures 介紹&開戶流程完整全攻略 /【國(海)外期貨開戶操作交易】
- Jan 02 Tue 2024 19:37
【AMP Futures 介紹&開戶流程完整全攻略(含圖解)】/【美國(海)外期貨期權開戶操作交易】
在 AMP Futures 交易已經超過15年了,本文分享對於這家美國期貨商的交易經驗................
AMP Futures 是一家經紀公司,提供各種金融商品的交易,包括期貨、外匯和股票等。
AMP Futures 是由美國商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) 和國家期貨協會 (NFA) 監管的經紀公司,總部位於芝加哥。
AMP Futures 的交易平台提供了先進的圖表和分析工具,以便交易員能夠快速地分析市場趨勢,制定交易策略。
AMP Futures 的交易費用非常低(比國內低很多)。
10多年來我一直在 AMP Futures 交易期貨,透過提供多種交易工具和超低的交易費用,對於想要提高海外期貨交易勝率的期貨交易者來說,是一個值得考慮的選擇。
AMP Futures 美股期貨經紀商・簡介
這次要來介紹也是一家很不錯的美股期貨/美股期權經紀商~【AMP Futures】
我想,對【AMP】無須提出其安全性,因為已經算是夠老牌的Clearing firm 美股期貨經紀商
- Oct 19 Thu 2017 10:27
2017 美股期貨 Trade the World using MetaTrader 5
- Osaka - Japan (JPX)
- Singapore Exchange (SGX)
- Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE)
- May 01 Mon 2017 14:17
【美股投資】美股券商 AMP Futures推出免費下單交易平台Multichart.net 介紹
Multichart.net 以下功能(Features)皆為免費:
- Free Historical Charting – 5 years back data
- Free Chart Trading with One-Click
- Free Drag-n-Drop (ATM) - Exit Strategies on DOM & Charts
- Free Automated Trading & Strategy Optimization
- Free Custom Indicator Development
- May 01 Mon 2017 14:10
【2017 AMP Clearing (Automated Systems Center)自動程式交易系統訊號】【國外期貨交易】【外匯幣操作】/【國外期貨開戶】
太強了~~~~~~~連AMP Clearing 也搞這種(Automated Systems Center)自動系統交易訊號
也就是由AMP clearing 的自動程式交易系統來幫你下單......
Past One Month
Since Mar 24, 2013
Past Three Month
- Apr 28 Fri 2017 21:16
【2018 AMP Futures 介紹&開戶交易流程完整全攻略】【國外期貨交易】【外匯幣操作】/【海外期貨開戶】
我想,對【AMP】無須提出其安全性,因為已經算是夠老牌的Clearing firm
AMP 不僅可以下單外匯期貨(Futures),還能下單外匯保證金(Forex),但需各別開立不同帳戶。
官網 http://www.ampclearing.com/index.html
- Apr 28 Fri 2017 17:25
2018 海外美期貨券商AMP Futures ----- 超過18款免月費交易軟體下單平台
- Apr 15 Sat 2017 22:59
【2017 AMP Futures 最佳交易優勢】【海外國外期貨開戶交易】【外匯幣操作】
AMP 的優勢
低入金門檻 (500 USD)
- Jan 12 Thu 2017 19:03
【2017 美股投資】AMP Futures NEW-TT Platform | Market Profile Charts now Available
AMP Futures 近期發布交易下單軟體(New TT Platform)新功能----->Market Profile Charts now Available
可申請Demo Account 模擬帳戶
All of these Exchange are available for Live Trading at AMP:
最新老虎證券(Tiger Brokers)優惠請詳閱--->最新優惠活動
內容僅供參考,本網站不涉及任何經營和推薦,所有內容皆可在網路和官網搜尋並找到資料,投資前請謹慎評估,本人不負任何責任 免責聲明 » 凡本網站註明來源網絡或其他網站,均為轉載稿,本網轉載出於傳遞更多信息之目的,並不意味著贊同其觀點或證實其內容的真實性,也不構成任何投資建議。對於訪問者根據本網站提供的信息所做出的一切行為,本網站不承擔任何形式的責任。本網站僅提供經濟信息,並僅供參考;亦不提供證券、基金、銀行、保險、金融任何業務與服務;不推薦任何相關商品和服務;不與任何人簽署任何海外證券投資協議,不進行海外金融產品交易,不接受任何人投資資金。
- Apr 01 Fri 2016 10:11
【美股期貨投資】(AMP Release)海外期貨下單交易新平台介紹~TradingView
下單交易最重要的不外是市場數據要接收正確、而且速度要快(看過國內券商的,就知道我在 說什麼)以及就是下單到市場要快。
TradingView,AMP Future 新release 的下單平台,以HTML 5和雲端技術可同時支援各行動裝 置(Any OS, Any Device, Anywhere in the World/iPads, iPhones, and
Android/Windows/Linux phones, tablets and computers),亦即隨時都可以登入交易。
申請 TradingView 模擬帳戶:連結
更多AMP Future介紹,請參閱:2016 海外期貨投資交易你一定得知道的美國券商—- AMP Futures
Regular & Advanced Chart Types
TradingView has regular and advanced chart types, each one helps analyze the market at a different angle. A Candlestick chart will show you how price moved within a certain time period (i.e. a minute, or day), and Renko charts will show if the trend is up or down. Learn more about Chart Types on TradingView!
Custom Spread Charts
Spread charts are a powerful tool for tracking custom comparisons, for example the difference between Microsoft and Google stocks. You can build any spread chart on TradingView by typing in a custom formula using (+-*/), i.e. “MSFT + GOOG” Learn more about Spread Charts on TradingView!
50+ Intelligent Drawing Tools
Drawing tools help you understand what stock prices are doing, and track how your predictions turn out. You can write on your chart or do freehand drawings, drag simple trend lines from A to B, apply the widespread Fibonacci and Gann tools, or apply the popular Elliot Waves. Learn more about Drawing Tools on TradingView!
Customized Technical Analysis
TradingView comes with a massive library of over 100 prebuilt technical indicators including Volume Profile! But we realized that even this isn’t enough for all our users and we built the Pine programming language. Pine script allows you to create and share your own custom studies and signals. TradingView comes with over a hundred pre-built studies for an in-depth market analysis, covering the most popular trading concepts and indicators. A key advantage of Pine script is that any study’s code can easily be modified. Nearly any custom indicator can also be created from scratch.
Fundamentals Data
We have a unique toolset of institutional quality fundamental data on US companies. Viewing company financials in the context of history and market coverage lets you put current financials in perspective, especially when compared to peers and the company’s own performance over time.
- Nov 25 Wed 2015 08:58
【海外期貨交易】美股券商AMP~海外期貨界史上"最殺"系列活動(Black Friday黑色星期五)
美國黑色星期五(Black Friday)就如同雙十一光棍節一樣,是揭開迎接聖誕節shopping的開始~
所以呢,今年美股券商AMP 推出堪稱海外期貨界史上"最殺"系列活動
只要在週五前預繳1年費用(Pay 1-Time $1’000 Annual Fee),即可享有1年『無限免費交
易』(Unlimited CommissionFREE trades for 1 Full Year – Until January 1, 2017)
- Use any of the 60+ Trading Platforms – Yes, even the FREE ones
- Trade any available Futures Markets
- Still No Inactivity Fees, No Monthly Volume Requirements -Trade as much or as little as you want
- Sep 11 Fri 2015 12:25
但大部份這些Trial模擬交易帳戶都有限制(時間約2週、價格不同步跳動) 之前一直再找這樣的券商能提供同時解決這樣的問題~~~~~~
AMP 終於推出了 只要$100 USD 超低入金門檻,即可『無限制時間』同時擁有模擬(Demo)和實際(Live)交易帳戶,交易價格跳動是即 時同步連動,
而且配合的下單交易軟體平台也是我最喜歡用的介面,同時也解決了新手交易者和想要交易海外券商帳 戶者的問題~
Need CME Demo? - Fund an AMP Account with only minimum $100 USD to get Real-Time Non-Expiring Demo – Yes, only $100 USD!!!
With an AMP account funded with a minimum of $100 USD, you will be able to set up live connection. With this live connection, you will be able to access both your Live and Demo at the same time using these platforms:
If you already have an AMP account that is not funded, all you need to do is fund your account with at least $100 and we will get your live connection enabled same day. If you need your AMP account information, just reply back to this email “Need AMP Account Number” and we will email it to you. If you are not an existing AMP customer, open an AMP account via online application, once approved (normally same day) and fund with at least $100 USD and we will get your live connections set up. Here is the link to AMP online account application: http://info.ampfutures.com/e/47262/apply-default-aspx/213lhz/567614683 For All Live CME Connections – CME monthly data fees will apply. If you are only trading Eminis, Currencies, Meats, Softs – it will only cost you $5.00 per month to maintain your live connection with Real-Time Simulator/Demo. Here are the available CME data options that you can elect for your live connection: Bundle - $15.00 - (All CME markets) CME - $5.00 – Equity Indices, Currencies, Meats, Softs CBOT - $5.00 – Financials, Grains NYMEX - $5.00 – Energies COMEX - $5.00 – Metals
- MultiCharts.NET 9.1 – AMPMC – AMP’s FREE Special Edition
- MultiCharts 9.1 with Easy Language (Subscription version)
- Sierra Chart
- X_Trader & X_Trader Pro
- NinjaTrader
更多內容,請參閱海外期貨投資交易你一定得知道的美國券商—- AMP Futures
- Mar 05 Thu 2015 16:50
美國期貨商AMP 新服務----- Webinar Info 網絡研討會
3月開始,美國期貨商AMP Futures 再度推出新服務 ----- Webinar Info 網絡研討會 非常實用,對於想要了解各交易下單平台如何操作下單,都可以透過研討會獲得學習, Webinar研討會過程中也可以提出任何問題~ 除此之外,Webinar後有些還有提供錄影檔連結供錯過的人可以隨時觀看,AMP這項服務 為免費而且每個人都可以參加,即使不是AMP的客戶~ Webinar - MultiCharts.NET Special Edition! 更多AMP交易優勢,請參閱:[Read More...]
3月開始,美國期貨商AMP Futures 再度推出新服務 ----- Webinar Info 網絡研討會 非常實用,對於想要了解各交易下單平台如何操作下單,都可以透過研討會獲得學習, Webinar研討會過程中也可以提出任何問題~ 除此之外,Webinar後有些還有提供錄影檔連結供錯過的人可以隨時觀看,AMP這項服務 為免費而且每個人都可以參加,即使不是AMP的客戶~ Webinar - MultiCharts.NET Special Edition! 更多AMP交易優勢,請參閱:[Read More...]
- Feb 22 Sun 2015 17:58
AMP Futures提升交易者新優惠功能---- CQG相容性&免費CQGM(mobile)
AMP Futures對於使用CQG Data Feed用戶提升更佳的交易等級(Universal Users)
AMP Futures更多詳細內容,請參閱:AMP期貨交易優勢
CQG “LIVE” Trading Credentials Upgraded & CQGM Enabled for All AMP Accounts
1. All CQG users at AMP are now set to be Universal Users – by default all available platforms connected to CQG are enabled for Live Trading.2. CQGM – Mobile is now enabled by default. With your same, “Live” AMP-CQG Trading Credentials, you are able to use CQGM on your phone or desktop for market data updates and live trading. This is FREE for AMP Customers. Normal Trading Fees apply.
- Feb 13 Fri 2015 21:09
海外期貨交易AMP Futures ---- 下單交易平台篩選器(Trading Platform Selector Tool)
- Aug 01 Fri 2014 14:37
【國外期貨開戶交易】【外匯幣操作】/【史上最便宜手續費.最低保證金】【國外期貨商品開發: 銅商品期貨(順勢+逆勢轉換)】
- Jul 30 Wed 2014 14:45
【海外外匯期貨交易】【美股Stock/ETF】/【美國券商開戶】/【TD Ameritrade&Firstrade】【肥咖條款,年賺超過600萬必看(前進海外必備)】
「肥咖條款」和肥貓也沒關係跟胖子也沒什麼關係,它是外國帳戶稅收遵從法(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act),
(Foreign Financial Institution,簡稱”FFI”),
必須與美國國稅局(Internal Revenue Service,簡稱”IRS”)
簽署FFI協議(FFI Agreement),
- Jul 01 Tue 2014 22:58
【國外期貨開戶交易】【外匯幣操作】/【AMP Futures】【MSCI Taiwan Stock Index摩台指交易】
AMP 也提供下單交易新加坡(SGX)的【MSCI Taiwan Stock Index摩台指】
摩台指每口交易費用雙邊約 2 USD
(國內大概需要 8 USD 吧~~~~~~~~~~)
- Jul 01 Tue 2014 22:55
【國外期貨開戶交易】【外匯幣操作】/【AMP Futures】【MSCI Taiwan Stock Index摩台指交易】
AMP 也提供下單交易新加坡(SGX)的【MSCI Taiwan Stock Index摩台指】
摩台指每口交易費用雙邊約 2 USD
(國內大概需要 8 USD 吧~~~~~~~~~~)
- May 18 Sun 2014 20:05
【國外期貨交易開戶】【史上最低當沖保證金】【AMP Futures 常用交易平台介紹】
Sierra Chart 最好用也是最多人使用的平台
Sierra Chart 可接收3款資訊源