What is the FCA?
在2013年4月1日之前,英國的金融服務管理都由英國金融服務管理局監管,即FinancialService Authority(FSA)。
Before April 1, 2013, the financial services in the UK was supervised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). With the outbreak of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the British government decided to adjust the financial regulatory system. To this end, the FSA was abolishedand its structure was reformed and replaced by two new organisations which are Financial Conduct Authority (「FCA」) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (「PRA」).
The PRA is responsible for the prudential supervision and regulation of major investment firms, banks, credit unions andinsurers. The FCA is responsible for the supervision of conduct of financial services companies and financial markets in the UK and prudential regulator of firms not authorised by the PRA. Any organization registered in the UK and providingbanking or other financial services in or from the UK, is under the regulationof these two institutions.
Under the new regulatory system, the retail foreign exchange financial products such as CFDs, spread betting and trading platforms are all under the regulation of the FCA.
FCA的目標 FCA’s objectives 消費者保護:FCA最主要的職責是確保為消費者提供適當程度的保護,例如確保客戶得到公平對待,不會成為欺詐事件的受害者或最終被捆綁進不公平的合同中。
Client protection: FCA's primary responsibility is to secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers such as ensuring that clients are treated fairly and do not become victims of fraud or eventually are tied to unfair contracts.
Protect financial markets: The FCA aims to protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system.