
當完成 【DeepDiscountTrading】線上(Online)申請後

你將會在24hr內收到以下的mail通知,以及一份夾檔"Trading Account Info"





Welcome Aboard,
Thank You for submitting your account application.
 You have been "Pre-Approved". Once we receive a clear copy of your Photo ID (Non-Expired Drivers License or Passport), then your "Final Approval" will be issued. If you have the ability to "Scan & E-mail" your ID, then please forward it to me directly. Please click on the attachment for your "Trading Account Info" document. Please print it out & keep it next to your computer because it contains your Trading Account #, Wiring Instructions, & other Important information to reach the "Trade Desk" for Emergency back-up. Based on your initial investment amount, we will need to confirm your answers to the following platform parameter questions before you fund your trading account :


Which Trading Platform / Feed are you interested in ?
For "Risk Management" reasons, which specific Contract Symbols do you plan on actually trading ? (You can modify your request anytime)
Will you be trading Futures or Options or Both ?
Will you be Day Trading or Position Trading or Both ?
What is the Maximum # of contracts that you would trade on any given "Order" ?
What amount do you plan on funding your trading account with ? 
How did you Originally hear about us ?
Also depending on the Trading Platform / Feed you choose, the Clearing Firm may have a "Risk Management" feature attached to your Trading Platform / Feed called "Maximum Loss Per Day" for your Protection & for the Protection of the Clearing Firm. Once you completely Exit a trade after you hit your chosen dollar loss amount for the day (Flat with No Working orders), then no new orders can be submitted thru your trading platfrom for the day (but please keep in mind that your open position will not automatically close out once you hit your chosen dollar loss amount for the day, so you must always manage your open position properly).What would you like your Daily Dollar Loss amount to be set at ?  (You can set your daily dollar loss amount to be as little or as large as you like within 30% of your trading account balance & you can always have it adjusted anytime you like)
*(Attention Non-U.S. Foreign Traders : Some Banks charge their customers a hidden "Intermediary Bank Fee" for International wires without disclosing this fee to their customers. So please increase your wire amount by $50 if you plan to submit the exact account minimum in order to avoid complications with the Clearing Firm. Please verify & confirm all wiring fees with your Bank to avoid any Surprises)
I will always be your Account Executive in the background to help you get set up and to make sure that you are being serviced Fast & Efficiently. I have been a Licensed Series 3 Commodity Broker for over 17 years Specializing in Online Trading & I also trade my own personal account. So if you should have any "General" trading questions, then I can answer most questions from my personal experience. Also, I tell all my clients; "IF you are not 100% Happy with our Service, then I will Close Out your account instantly with no delays, hassles, or penalties". Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns (days, nights, or weekends).
Howard Lender {Manager}
(Please set your Spam Filter to always accept my e-mails) 








完成"Final Approval"

   a.Which Trading Platform / Feed are you interested in ? 
       選擇Sierra Chart(如果你想交易歐元、澳幣、輕原油、黃金、Mini-S&P...)
       選擇CQG                (如果你想交易摩台指)


        For the Sierra Chart (SC) trading platform, we offer 3 different
         Real-Time Data & Order-Routing Feeds :
   1.) TT Feed for .15 cents per side (No access to Options)
   2.) Rithmic Feed for .30 cents per side (Access to Options)
   3.) CTS Feed for .50 cents per side with a $25 monthly minimum (Access
           to Options)
   建議使用Sierra Chart/Rithmic
   b.For "Risk Management" reasons, which specific Contract Symbols do you plan on actually
       trading ? (You can modify your request anytime)
   c.Will you be trading Futures or Options or Both ?

Will you be Day Trading or Position Trading or Both ?
    e.What is the Maximum # of contracts that you would trade on any given "Order" ?
                 隨便寫一下,當然適中大小即可。Eu currency , 20 Lot/day
    f.What amount do you plan on funding your trading account with ?        (計畫入金多少)
               5000 USD  

e.How did you Originally hear about us ?


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